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Tomorrow’s Talent 2022 Winner: Laura Jensen

Tomorrow’s Talent 2022 Winner: Laura Jensen
Laura Jensen
Laura Jensen began her career in the events industry three years ago following a brief stint in digital marketing. In her current role as senior content and community executive at RX, she focuses on content marketing for the IBTM Portfolio. Laura relies on her research and knowledge of the events industry to build the right content for audiences.

How did you feel when you heard you’d won Tomorrow’s Talent 2022?
I was thrilled to find out that I was one of the winners of Tomorrow’s Talent 2022. It means so much to be recognised within the events industry and I can’t wait to meet all of the other winners.

What do you love most about working in the meetings and events industry?
I think it’s hard to pin down one thing that I love most about the meetings and events industry. It really is a fantastic industry and one I never really considered before I stumbled into it. Now I can’t imagine leaving it.

If I had to choose, I’d say it’s the opportunity to meet and connect with so many new people, especially when onsite at an event. Everyone is so passionate about what they do and so interested in what’s happening in the industry that you always find out something new whenever you meet someone.

I also think that working on events in general is one of my favourite things. The buzz of being onsite and seeing people enjoying your event makes the year of work towards it more than worth it.

What advice would you give yourself if you were starting out in the industry now?
I still feel like I’m starting out sometimes but I do think my biggest recommendation is to really understand the event you’re working on and the people your event is for.

Creating an event isn’t just about creating a great event that looks wonderful and has great speakers, it’s about creating an event that’s not only amazing, but amazing specifically for the people who are attending.

This year is the 10th edition of The Meetings Show. Where do you think the MICE industry will be in 10 years?
I’m not sure I’m confident enough to predict the future, especially after the unexpectedness after the past few years – who knows what could be around the corner! However, I do think there are themes in place in the industry, such as sustainability, DE&I and hybrid, that won’t be going away any time soon.

I’d like to think that by 2042, we’d be well on our way to reaching net zero with the majority of our events. It’s a no-brainer. If we want to run events in 10, 30, 50 years time, we need to make sure that the planet is able to do so.

Also, with the rise of the metaverse, it’s fun to consider the idea that in 10 years, we might be at a point where events can be held virtually, but still feel like a live event. I don’t think we’ve quite got there yet and I’d love to see how it could be done.

Where would you like to be in 10 years?
I am very passionate about the events industry and, as such, my ambitions for the future involve developing my career within it and building my profile to become a respected thought leader and event organiser.

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