Energy tips for 2023
For Energy Saving Week (17-23 January) sustainable events organisation isla advises event professionals on how they can support an energy-efficient future.
1. Get in the know, with Net Zero
The global goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050 is inching ever closer. Boost your knowledge of what Net Zero really means on the ground for event profs by joining an industry action network, signing up to training courses such as The Complete Sustainable Event Course from The Meetings Show, reading expert industry guides such as isla’s Sustainability in Practice: A Pathway for Venues and measuring emissions from events through dedicated tools such as TRACE by isla. The latter will help you understand your biggest areas of energy impact and help you identify where you can make future energy savings/reductions.
2. Model and share best practice
Nailed energy-efficient measures in either your personal or professional life? Don’t forget to share best practice with your colleagues, your supply chain, and wider connections within the events industry. How you do it is up to you, but even a short social post could have a ripple effect. Know someone who’s done a great job? Ask for advice!
3. Tap into available resources to support your transition
This includes anything from directing procurement teams to the Energy Technology List (ETL) – a searchable database of over 8,000 energy efficient products compiled by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) – to applying for business grants, including those available from your local authority, to install energy efficient measures. Examples of the latter include the Low Carbon Across the South and East (LoCASE) programme.
4. Give energy efficiency top billing across event planning
Build energy saving into your event planning right from the start. From choosing a venue with energy-efficient measures in place, such as motion-activated lighting, to creating a power down routine at the end of each event day to minimise energy wastage. This is particularly important amid the ongoing energy/cost-of-living crisis. See for more ideas.
5. Embrace renewables
Renewable energy has come along leaps and bounds. And contrary to popular belief, it can be a quick win as there are both small-scale and large-scale solutions to embrace – all of which will pay energy-efficiency dividends in the long and short term. The former includes portable solar power banks and wind turbines, ideal for harnessing energy during outdoor events held in the summer season.